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reader1209's diary

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We bought a motorcycle for me!! Woohoo!!

Hubby saw an ad in the paper on Wednesday and we scooted right out to look at the bike. It looked good, ran good and cost good so we (meaning "he" because he's the negotiating member of this team) made an offer. They said yes and I did a happy dance (yes, yes I did - right there in the driveway). So now I own my very own motorcycle. It's a Yamaha Maxim 400, black. It's not brand new but to be honest I don't think I want a brand new motorcycle for my first one. I'd be too nervous about denting it or dropping it. This way I can be more comfortable while I'm learning.

The sad part of the whole thing - I had to go to work Wednesday afternoon so I couldn't go with hubby to pick up the bike and I couldn't sit on when it got to our house. Now, normally I would have been home from work by 5:15 and sitting on the bike by 5:16 but nooooooooooo I had to go to a Union executive committee where I had to confront Mr. Asshat. Ooops sorry, Mr. PRESIDENTIAL Asshat.

All the way to the meeting I had such butterflies in my stomach I was seriously concerned that I was gonna throw up. I have never been that nervous in my life. Walking into the building my legs were all wobbly. I mean I finally understood the term "my knees were knocking".

I find the room that the meeting is in and there are 5 people there plus President Asshat. He starts the meeting and I make sure that every time he looks at me I'm meeting his gaze. (psychology, my friend, psychology) Anyhow, this is a union meeting so people are talking and sometimes swearing but that never bothered me BUT every single time someone started to swear or said something like "hell" President Asshat would say "OH Oh Oh, be careful, we don't want to OFFEND anyone." He said this like 8 times. I'm sitting calmly trying to breathe deeply and slowly so that I don't launch myself across the table and punch him in the throat. I'm also wondering what everybody else in the room is thinking. I mean, I don't know if they know about the emails and the whole situation or if they think he's right and I'm just some crazy librarian or what.

For those of you who are jumping in late you might want to read the entry a few entries ago that tells the story of President Asshat. I would make a link to it but I'm at work so I can't.

Anyway, we take a break and before we all return to the room the recording secretary says to me and 3 others that she has heard enough if President Asshat says that again she's telling him he needs to stop. She's not going to let him pick on me like that. I ask her to just wait because I would like the opportunity to take care of it myself.

***which is so unlike me it's not even funny or rather it's so unlike the old me...the new me is somewhat of a pitbull...watch.... ****

Okay so PA as I'm gonna call him from now on comes back in the room and starts to babble again and I say, "Excuse me, PA, I have something I'd like to say." He says OK. And this is what I say.

" I'm going to say this once and only once so pay attention. I don't give shit if everyone in this fucking room swears their goddamn head off. It doesn't bother me. I can handle it I might even do it myself and if you continue to try and muzzle everybody in some half-assed way of demeaning me you are going to be surprised to find out just how well I can play that game. Did you get that? Did you hear me? Understood?"

He says "Point taken, Reader but......"

And that's when all the fireworks started. He and I yelled and swore at each other for the next 15 minutes of the meeting. Every point he made I had an answer for. I was so well prepared for this meeting and could literally quote the emails from memory. He couldn't even remember what he said in what email to whom.

I pointed out to him at least 8 separate times that if you say or do something that offends someone and they tell you it offends them and you do it again it is harassment. THAT'S what it says in both the Canadian Human Rights Code and our own Union constitution.

His argument back...No one else was offended.

I repeat back to him louder and with the same swear words that he is using to me that it doesn't matter if ever other member of the union is standing behind him patting him on the back for the fabulous email if ONE person is offended and tells him so, he can't send the same email back out to that person.

His argument...not one other person told him they were offended and what he said wasn't that bad.


I repeat the point again...and again...and again.

He repeats back to me that no one else was offended.

Then at one point he says "Reader have you ever been President of anything?" And I say, "What???" He says "Have you ever been president of anything?" I say, "No, what the hell does that have to do with anything?"
He says that he's been president for 7 years.
I say " I don't care"
He says he's been president of two unions
Don't care.
He's been doing this along time
don't care
He has x number of members
don't care.
He puts a lot of time into it
don't care.
His doctor tells himhe should quit
yeah, don't care
His family wants him to quit
don't care.

Now picture this ...he's screaming these things at me from 20 feet away and I'm literally leaning back on a chair looking right at him with the ultimate in looks of boredom quietly repeating "don't care" and he just keeps screaming.

That my friends is why he's PRESIDENT Asshat and not just regular asshat.

Anyhow we didn't really resolve anything because he doesn't think he is wrong even though everyone else on that committee told him he was. He babbled on about how if you mess with the bull you get the horns. (yeah, I started laughing at that one) and that he doesn't back down and won't back down. It was ridiculous.

However, I don't think he'll underestimate me like that again any time soon.
I'm not just a mousy librarian, ya know.

Hey, and the Loopy's come back from Australia today. Yay!!!

Oh!! And I lost .8 pounds!

AND!!! The beginner running clinic was cool and I think I will enjoy the 9 weeks and I put my self in the level one group but I think I should really go into the level 2 group.

11:30 a.m. - 2007-04-21


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